Google Cloud Certification Journey 2024

Me preparando para o exame de certificação de Engenheiro de Dados Profissional GCP.

This year I decided to attempt the exam for the Professional Data Engineer certificate from Google Cloud.

Let's Get Certified

Every year google lauches it's certification journey program, where it rewards with free vouchers for one of its certificate exams. You can only apply to one journey per email, and given it's a substantial amount of labs and video lectures, I suggest you attempt only one path per program.

Google opens new journey progams every 3-4 months. So there are opportunities to attempt the other certifications.

A Professional Data Engineer makes data usable and valuable for others by collecting, transforming, and publishing data.

Professional Data Engineer

O certificado de engenheiro de dados profissional da GCP aborda temas relacionados ao processo de construção e manutenação de pipelines e plataformas de dados resilientes e escaláveis.

Os tópicos do programa são:

  1. Desingning data processing systems.
  2. Ingesting and processing the data.
  3. Storing the data.
  4. Preparing and using the data for analysis.
  5. Maintaining and automating data workloads.

Ingesting and processing the data.

Huge focus on Dataflow and Pub/Sub.

Storing the data.

Diferenças entre bancos analíticos e bancos transacionais. Serverless e gerenciado. Quando usar cada serviço de storage oferecido pela GCP.

Desingning data processing systems.

IAM, Cloud DLP, Data Plex, Dataflow, Data Prep, Data Fusion.

Preparing and using the data for analysis.

Here BigQuery is King.

Maintaining and automating data workloads.

Monitoring, alerting, event based.